خلاصه آزمون
0 از 183 سوالات تکمیل شد
شما قبلاً این آزمون را تکمیل کردهاید. به همین خاطر نمیتوانید این آزمون را دوباره شروع کنید.
آزمون در حال بارگذاری است…
برای شروع این آزمون باید ثبتنام کنید یا وارد شوید.
شما باید ابتدا این بخش را تکمیل کنید:
0 از 183 سوالات به درستی پاسخ داده شدهاند
زمان شما:
زمان به اتمام رسیده است
شما 0 از 0 امتیاز را به دست آوردید، (0)
امتیازهای کسب شده: 0 از 0، (0)
0 سوال تشریحی معلق (امتیاز(های) ممکن: 0)
- دستهبندی نشده 0%
Men (1-10) and women (0-14): Suspicious to bear the tasks that arise in critical moments and psychological pressure. Men (11-14) and women (15-18): capable of handling tasks that arise in critical moments and psychological pressure. Men (15 to 19) and women (19 to 23): probably cold-blooded and unmotivated, apt to bear the tasks that arise in critical moments and psychological pressure.
Men (20 to 23) and women (24 to 27) normal in terms of anxiety Men (24 to 27) and women (28 to 31): normal in terms of anxiety Men (28 to 32) and women (32 to 36): normal In terms of anxiety in men (33 to 36) and women (37 to 40): normal in terms of anxiety in men (37 to 40) and women (41 to 44): neurotics who have little anxiety are normal in terms of anxiety in men (41 to 45) and women (45 to 49): moderate anxiety, the average score of neurotics, men (46 to 49) and women (50 to 53): severe anxiety, need for counseling with psychotherapy, men (50 to 80) and women (54 to 80): anxiety Very severe neurotic anxiety
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- فعلی
- بررسی
- پاسخ داده شده
- درست
- نادرست
سوال 1 از 183
1. سوال
I want to be home the most…
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سوال 2 از 183
2. سوال
I can get enough strength to deal with my problems.
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سوال 3 از 183
3. سوال
I feel anxious around wild animals, even if they are in tight cages.
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سوال 4 از 183
4. سوال
I refrain from criticizing people and their thoughts
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سوال 5 از 183
5. سوال
I make sharp jokes to people if I think they deserve it
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سوال 6 از 183
6. سوال
I prefer traditional music to trendy songs.
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سوال 7 از 183
7. سوال
If I see two neighbor kids fighting
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سوال 8 از 183
8. سوال
In social situations
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سوال 9 از 183
9. سوال
It is more interesting that humans
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سوال 10 از 183
10. سوال
I’d rather stand on the street watching an artist paint than listen to people arguing.
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سوال 11 از 183
11. سوال
I usually get along with pretentious people even if they are very arrogant and self-satisfied.
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سوال 12 از 183
12. سوال
I can always see the dishonesty in people’s faces
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سوال 13 از 183
13. سوال
It would be better for all people if vacation(s) were longer and used by all.
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سوال 14 از 183
14. سوال
I’d rather accept the outcome of a high-paying but unstable job than a steady, low-paying job.
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سوال 15 از 183
15. سوال
I talk about my feelings.
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سوال 16 از 183
16. سوال
Sometimes it happens that I feel a vague danger or a sudden fear overcomes me without understanding the reasons.
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سوال 17 از 183
17. سوال
If they blame me for something I didn’t do:
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سوال 18 از 183
18. سوال
You can get almost everything with money
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سوال 19 از 183
19. سوال
My decisions are more
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سوال 20 از 183
20. سوال
Most people would be happier if they acted more like their friends and like others.
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سوال 21 از 183
21. سوال
Sometimes it happens to me that when I look in the mirror, I don’t know exactly where my right side is and where my left side is.
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سوال 22 از 183
22. سوال
When I talk, I like to:
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سوال 23 از 183
23. سوال
When something really pisses me off, I know I can calm down quickly
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سوال 24 از 183
24. سوال
With equal working hours and equal pay, it is better to be human
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سوال 25 از 183
25. سوال
I have been chosen to:
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سوال 26 از 183
26. سوال
The ratio of shovel to digging is like the ratio of knife to:
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سوال 27 از 183
27. سوال
Sometimes it happens to me that I can’t sleep because a thought is occupying my mind.
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سوال 28 از 183
28. سوال
I always achieve the personal goals I set for myself in life
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سوال 29 از 183
29. سوال
When a law is old, it must be changed.
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سوال 30 از 183
30. سوال
I feel uncomfortable when I work on a project that requires quick action that hurts others.
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سوال 31 از 183
31. سوال
Most of the people I know consider me a well-spoken person.
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سوال 32 از 183
32. سوال
When I see sloppy and untidy people:
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سوال 33 از 183
33. سوال
If I am suddenly noticed in public, I feel uncomfortable
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سوال 34 از 183
34. سوال
I am always happy to participate in a big guest, public meeting or a celebration
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سوال 35 از 183
35. سوال
If I am given a responsibility, I want them to obey my orders. Otherwise, I will appeal.
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سوال 36 از 183
36. سوال
It is more important for parents to:
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سوال 37 از 183
37. سوال
I prefer in a group work
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سوال 38 از 183
38. سوال
Sometimes I feel that I want to do physical activity that requires a lot of physical effort.
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سوال 39 از 183
39. سوال
I prefer to hang out with people with good manners than with incompetent and inconsiderate people
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سوال 40 از 183
40. سوال
I feel very embarrassed when people criticize me in public.
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سوال 41 از 183
41. سوال
When my boss summons me:
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سوال 42 از 183
42. سوال
What our world needs:
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سوال 43 از 183
43. سوال
I am always fully aware of the advertising purposes contained in the things I read.
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سوال 44 از 183
44. سوال
When I was a teenager, I participated in school sports activities.
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سوال 45 از 183
45. سوال
I always keep my room tidy and I usually know where everything is.
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سوال 46 از 183
46. سوال
Sometimes it happens to me that I get tense and stressed by thinking about what happened during the day
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سوال 47 از 183
47. سوال
Sometimes when I talk to people, I ask myself if they are interested in what I have to say.
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سوال 48 از 183
48. سوال
If I had to choose, I would prefer:
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سوال 49 از 183
49. سوال
On some important holidays and birthdays:
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سوال 50 از 183
50. سوال
A tired attitude towards work is like a proud attitude towards:
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سوال 51 از 183
51. سوال
Among these three cases, which one is not compatible with them?
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سوال 52 از 183
52. سوال
My friends have left me.
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سوال 53 از 183
53. سوال
I consider myself superior to others due to having some traits.
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سوال 54 از 183
54. سوال
When something upsets me, I hide my feelings from others.
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سوال 55 از 183
55. سوال
I like to go out to watch shows or have fun.
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سوال 56 از 183
56. سوال
In my opinion, freedom is more valuable than good behavior and respect for the law.
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سوال 57 از 183
57. سوال
I tend to keep silent among elders (people who are older, more experienced and older than me).
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سوال 58 از 183
58. سوال
It is difficult for me to address a large group or express something in that crowd.
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سوال 59 از 183
59. سوال
I have good orientation when I am in an unknown place. (I can specify north, south, east and west)
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سوال 60 از 183
60. سوال
If someone gets angry against me:
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سوال 61 از 183
61. سوال
When I read an unfair article in a journal, I tend to forget it rather than fight back (tell them how I think).
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سوال 62 از 183
62. سوال
My memory forgets trivial things like the names of shops in the city.
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سوال 63 از 183
63. سوال
I can love the life of a veterinarian who treats animals
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سوال 64 از 183
64. سوال
I eat with pleasure, but like most people, I do not observe order and cleanliness
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سوال 65 از 183
65. سوال
Sometimes I don’t feel like seeing anyone
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سوال 66 از 183
66. سوال
Sometimes, some people warn me that I show my excitement in my voice and behavior.
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سوال 67 از 183
67. سوال
When I was a teenager, when my opinion differed from that of my parents, I usually:
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سوال 68 از 183
68. سوال
I prefer to have an office for myself, without sharing with others
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سوال 69 از 183
69. سوال
I prefer to enjoy life in peace than to be praised for my achievements
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سوال 70 از 183
70. سوال
I feel that I have matured in many ways
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سوال 71 از 183
71. سوال
The way many people criticize me annoys me instead of helping me.
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سوال 72 از 183
72. سوال
I can always control my emotions.
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سوال 73 از 183
73. سوال
If I had a useful invention, I would prefer that
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سوال 74 از 183
74. سوال
The ratio of surprise to strange is like the ratio of fear to
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سوال 75 از 183
75. سوال
Which of these three fractions is not of the type of the other two fractions?
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سوال 76 از 183
76. سوال
Some people seem to ignore me or avoid me and I don’t know why.
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سوال 77 از 183
77. سوال
People treat me less than my goodwill deserves.
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سوال 78 از 183
78. سوال
Using profanity even in a group of only women or only men makes me uncomfortable.
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سوال 79 از 183
79. سوال
Undoubtedly, I have less friends than other people.
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سوال 80 از 183
80. سوال
I hate being in a place that doesn’t have a lot of people to hang out with.
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سوال 81 از 183
81. سوال
Sometimes people think that I am a lovable person, while they think that I am a lovable person.
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سوال 82 از 183
82. سوال
I am used to freaking out in different social situations.
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سوال 83 از 183
83. سوال
When I am in a small assembly, I sit in a corner and let the rest of the assembly warm up.
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سوال 84 از 183
84. سوال
When I read an article, I prefer that
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سوال 85 از 183
85. سوال
When people from the Mob leadership try to put pressure, I do the opposite of their wishes.
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سوال 86 از 183
86. سوال
My superiors or family members usually criticize me when there is a real reason.
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سوال 87 از 183
87. سوال
I don’t like the way many people throw down others in the streets or shops.
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سوال 88 از 183
88. سوال
I prefer that during a long trip
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سوال 89 از 183
89. سوال
In situations that can have dire results, one should not shy away from raising controversy and putting one’s word on the chair. Even if it is far from peaceful.
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سوال 90 از 183
90. سوال
If acquaintances treat me badly and show that they don’t like me:
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سوال 91 از 183
91. سوال
I get upset with other people’s compliments about me
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سوال 92 از 183
92. سوال
I prefer to have a job that:
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سوال 93 از 183
93. سوال
To stay current, I prefer to:
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سوال 94 از 183
94. سوال
I like to play an active role in social work, associations, etc.
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سوال 95 از 183
95. سوال
I don’t feel satisfied in doing a task unless I examine all the details exactly.
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سوال 96 از 183
96. سوال
Sometimes the smallest failure upsets me.
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سوال 97 از 183
97. سوال
I always sleep well and never walk or talk in my sleep
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سوال 98 از 183
98. سوال
It seems to be a more interesting job that:
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سوال 99 از 183
99. سوال
The area-to-length ratio is like an incorrect ratio to:
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سوال 100 از 183
100. سوال
The ratio of A-B to C-D is like L-M to:
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سوال 101 از 183
101. سوال
When people are unreasonable:
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سوال 102 از 183
102. سوال
When I’m listening to music, if people talk loudly:
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سوال 103 از 183
103. سوال
I think the best description about me is:
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سوال 104 از 183
104. سوال
I participate in social activities only if forced, otherwise I withdraw
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سوال 105 از 183
105. سوال
Being cautious and confident is better than being optimistic and always expecting success.
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سوال 106 از 183
106. سوال
When I think about my work problems:
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سوال 107 از 183
107. سوال
Building relationships with people in public seems easy.
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سوال 108 از 183
108. سوال
When a little politics and encouragement is needed to get people to do something, they turn to me.
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سوال 109 از 183
109. سوال
I think it is more interesting that humans:
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سوال 110 از 183
110. سوال
If I am certain that a person is cruel or that she is behaving selfishly, I will shame her even if it is for the trouble.
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سوال 111 از 183
111. سوال
Sometimes I say nonsense for no reason to surprise people and see what they say.
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سوال 112 از 183
112. سوال
I can enjoy writing articles about plays, concerts, operas, etc.
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سوال 113 از 183
113. سوال
I never need to scribble and screw myself up when I have to jam in a meeting.
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سوال 114 از 183
114. سوال
If someone tells me something that I know is wrong, I say to myself:
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سوال 115 از 183
115. سوال
I feel that I will be punished, even if I have done nothing wrong.
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سوال 116 از 183
116. سوال
It is an exaggeration to think that a disease can have a psychological as well as a physical cause.
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سوال 117 از 183
117. سوال
The grandeur of grand ceremonies is one of the traditions that must be preserved.
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سوال 118 از 183
118. سوال
I get upset if people think I’m wild and different.
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سوال 119 از 183
119. سوال
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سوال 120 از 183
120. سوال
I find myself in a situation where I can hardly help feeling sorry for myself.
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سوال 121 از 183
121. سوال
Sometimes I get angry with people very quickly
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سوال 122 از 183
122. سوال
I can always give up my old habits without problems. without repeating them again.
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سوال 123 از 183
123. سوال
If the wages are the same, I prefer that:
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سوال 124 از 183
124. سوال
The ratio of better to worst is like slower to:
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سوال 125 از 183
125. سوال
Which of the answers should be placed after this group of letters: c dddd c c ddd c c c
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سوال 126 از 183
126. سوال
Sometimes it happens to me that when the time comes to do something that I have already planned and been looking forward to doing, I no longer want to do it.
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سوال 127 از 183
127. سوال
I can do things carefully without being disturbed by the noise of those around me
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سوال 128 از 183
128. سوال
Sometimes I tell things that I think are important to strangers even without them asking me anything.
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سوال 129 از 183
129. سوال
I spend many hours of my free time with my friends, talking about the good times we had together in the past.
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سوال 130 از 183
130. سوال
I like to do daring things for fun
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سوال 131 از 183
131. سوال
Seeing a cluttered and untidy room is unpleasant for me
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سوال 132 از 183
132. سوال
I consider myself a social and cooperative person
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سوال 133 از 183
133. سوال
During social calls:
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سوال 134 از 183
134. سوال
My favorite music:
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سوال 135 از 183
135. سوال
I admire the beauty of a poem better than a well-made weapon
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سوال 136 از 183
136. سوال
If she doesn’t understand my subtle hint:
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سوال 137 از 183
137. سوال
I would like to work in parole supervision.
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سوال 138 از 183
138. سوال
People should be cautious in socializing with strangers because of the spread of dangerous diseases.
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سوال 139 از 183
139. سوال
To travel abroad, I would like to follow the route set by travel tour operators. Instead of deciding for myself the places I want to see.
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سوال 140 از 183
140. سوال
I am seen as a hardworking person who has not achieved much success.
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سوال 141 از 183
141. سوال
If people take advantage of my intimacy, I don’t like it and I forget it soon.
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سوال 142 از 183
142. سوال
If I see a difference in a discussion:
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سوال 143 از 183
143. سوال
I like to set my own schedule. Without others interfering in my work or interfering in my work.
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سوال 144 از 183
144. سوال
Sometimes actions are influenced by jealous feelings of others.
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سوال 145 از 183
145. سوال
I completely agree that the boss is still the boss if she makes a mistake.
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سوال 146 از 183
146. سوال
I get stressed and upset when I think about what I have to do.
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سوال 147 از 183
147. سوال
When I’m playing in a match, if the spectators give me advice, I don’t lose my hand and foot.
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سوال 148 از 183
148. سوال
It is more interesting that a human being
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سوال 149 از 183
149. سوال
Which option is not compatible with the other?
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سوال 150 از 183
150. سوال
The ratio of flame to heat is like the ratio of roses to:
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سوال 151 از 183
151. سوال
I have vivid dreams that disturb my sleep.
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سوال 152 از 183
152. سوال
If the circumstances are unfavorable for success, I will still try my best.
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سوال 153 از 183
153. سوال
When I simply know what a group needs to do, I tend to take the lead.
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سوال 154 از 183
154. سوال
I want to dress in a dignified manner rather than to draw attention to others by dressing according to my personal taste.
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سوال 155 از 183
155. سوال
I prefer a quiet night spent with my favorite pastime to a loud party
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سوال 156 از 183
156. سوال
I do not listen to the well-meaning advice of others, even if I know that I am not right
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سوال 157 از 183
157. سوال
In all the decisions I make, I consider it my duty to observe the fundamental principles of right and wrong.
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سوال 158 از 183
158. سوال
It is unpleasant for me when people look at me while working.
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سوال 159 از 183
159. سوال
Because orderly and logical methods do not always lead to success, sometimes force is necessary.
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سوال 160 از 183
160. سوال
In school he preferred (or I prefer)
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سوال 161 از 183
161. سوال
Sometimes I have been saddened by those who have slandered me behind my back which was not true.
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سوال 162 از 183
162. سوال
Talking to ordinary people who stick to their traditions and habits:
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سوال 163 از 183
163. سوال
Some things bother me so much that I want to talk about them.
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سوال 164 از 183
164. سوال
What is more important in raising a child:
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سوال 165 از 183
165. سوال
Others see me as an impenetrable and steadfast person who is not affected by the vicissitudes of life.
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سوال 166 از 183
166. سوال
I think that the society should have the wisdom to modernize its customs and abandon its old habits or pure traditions.
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سوال 167 از 183
167. سوال
It seems that the most important problem to be solved in the new era:
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سوال 168 از 183
168. سوال
I learn better:
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سوال 169 از 183
169. سوال
I like to do my own thing rather than follow conventional rules
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سوال 170 از 183
170. سوال
I want to be sure of what I say and then proceed to reason
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سوال 171 از 183
171. سوال
Sometimes little things make me very angry, even though I know it doesn’t matter to me at all.
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سوال 172 از 183
172. سوال
It rarely happens that I say something under the influence of a situation that I deeply regret saying later
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سوال 173 از 183
173. سوال
If I am asked to participate in a charity work:
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سوال 174 از 183
174. سوال
Which of the three words does not match with the other two words?
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سوال 175 از 183
175. سوال
The ratio of soon to never is the same as the ratio of never with:
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سوال 176 از 183
176. سوال
If I do something wrong, I can quickly forget it.
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سوال 177 از 183
177. سوال
I have a reputation as someone who has an opinion about almost everything.
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سوال 178 از 183
178. سوال
I imagine that I can better:
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سوال 179 از 183
179. سوال
I am considered a passionate person.
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سوال 180 از 183
180. سوال
I am interested in jobs that provide the possibility of changes, various activities and the possibility of traveling.
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سوال 181 از 183
181. سوال
I am a meticulous person who always tries to do things as well as possible.
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سوال 182 از 183
182. سوال
I like work that requires attention and precision.
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سوال 183 از 183
183. سوال
I am one of the people who always keeps herself busy.