خلاصه آزمون
0 از 40 سوالات تکمیل شد
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0 از 40 سوالات به درستی پاسخ داده شدهاند
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زمان به اتمام رسیده است
شما 0 از 0 امتیاز را به دست آوردید، (0)
امتیازهای کسب شده: 0 از 0، (0)
0 سوال تشریحی معلق (امتیاز(های) ممکن: 0)
- دستهبندی نشده 0%
Men (1-10) and women (0-14): Suspicious to bear the tasks that arise in critical moments and psychological pressure. Men (11-14) and women (15-18): capable of handling tasks that arise in critical moments and psychological pressure. Men (15 to 19) and women (19 to 23): probably cold-blooded and unmotivated, apt to bear the tasks that arise in critical moments and psychological pressure. Men (20 to 23) and women (24 to 27) normal in terms of anxiety Men (24 to 27) and women (28 to 31): normal in terms of anxiety
Men (28 to 32) and women (32 to 36): normal in terms of anxiety men (33 to 36) and women (37 to 40): normal in terms of anxiety men (37 to 40) and women (41 to 44): Neurotics who have little anxiety are normal in terms of anxiety for men (41 to 45) and women (45 to 49): average anxiety, the average score of neurotics men (46 to 49) and women (50 to 53): severe anxiety, need for counseling with psychotherapy Men (50 to 80) and women (54 to 80): very intense anxiety, neurotic anxiety
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- پاسخ داده شده
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سوال 1 از 40
1. سوال
My interest in people and hobbies changes very quickly
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سوال 2 از 40
2. سوال
Even if people don’t think well of me, I don’t lose my complete calm
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سوال 3 از 40
3. سوال
I think before I comment, to make sure that what I am saying is absolutely correct.
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سوال 4 از 40
4. سوال
I tend to be jealous
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سوال 5 از 40
5. سوال
If I were to start my life over completely:
A: I experience it in a completely different way
B: I wanted to live this life.
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سوال 6 از 40
6. سوال
I consult my parents in all important matters
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سوال 7 از 40
7. سوال
It is difficult for me to hear the answer no. Even if I know what I want is impossible.
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سوال 8 از 40
8. سوال
I doubt the sincerity of people who are more friendly than expected
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سوال 9 از 40
9. سوال
Whenever my parents knew an order and asked me to obey them:
A: They were always reasonable.
B: They were often irrational
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سوال 10 از 40
10. سوال
It seems that I need my friends more than they need me.
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سوال 11 از 40
11. سوال
I am confident that I can withstand a sudden problem
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سوال 12 از 40
12. سوال
When I was a child, I was afraid of the dark
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سوال 13 از 40
13. سوال
Sometimes people say that I show my excitement easily in actions and words
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سوال 14 از 40
14. سوال
If people abuse my love and kindness:
A: I get upset and hold a grudge
B: I will soon forget and forgive
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سوال 15 از 40
15. سوال
People’s criticisms hurt me more than they help me.
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سوال 16 از 40
16. سوال
It often happens that I get angry against people
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سوال 17 از 40
17. سوال
Just like when I want something and I don’t know what I want, I feel anxious
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سوال 18 از 40
18. سوال
Sometimes I ask myself: are people interested in what I say?
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سوال 19 از 40
19. سوال
I have never experienced unknown feelings such as vague pains, indigestion, hearing heartbeats, etc
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سوال 20 از 40
20. سوال
When discussing with some people, I get so upset that I hardly speak
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سوال 21 از 40
21. سوال
When I do something, I spend more energy than others. Because I work with anxiety
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سوال 22 از 40
22. سوال
I use a way that I don’t get distracted and don’t forget the details
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سوال 23 از 40
23. سوال
No matter the obstacles and difficulties, I always persevere and pursue my first goals
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سوال 24 از 40
24. سوال
I get agitated in difficult situations and lose my way
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سوال 25 از 40
25. سوال
Sometimes I have disturbed dreams
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سوال 26 از 40
26. سوال
When I face a problem, I feel like I have enough energy
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سوال 27 از 40
27. سوال
Sometimes I feel compelled to count things without a convincing reason
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سوال 28 از 40
28. سوال
Most people have a weird mind, even if they don’t like to admit it.
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سوال 29 از 40
29. سوال
When I behave awkwardly in front of a crowd, I can soon forget
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سوال 30 از 40
30. سوال
I feel like I’m grumpy and don’t want to see anyone:
A: On occasions
B: Often
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سوال 31 از 40
31. سوال
I cry when things don’t go well.
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سوال 32 از 40
32. سوال
Even in public, I feel alone and worthless.
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سوال 33 از 40
33. سوال
I wake up in the middle of the night, because of my mental preoccupations, I can hardly fall back asleep
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سوال 34 از 40
34. سوال
Whatever the difficulties, I usually keep up appearances
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سوال 35 از 40
35. سوال
Sometimes I feel guilty or regret for no reason
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سوال 36 از 40
36. سوال
My nerves are so messed up that some noises like the door slamming become unbearable and I get upset.
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سوال 37 از 40
37. سوال
If I get upset for a reason, I will soon regain my composure
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سوال 38 از 40
38. سوال
When I remember a difficult task to do, I usually get shivers or sweat
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سوال 39 از 40
39. سوال
When I want to sleep, I fall asleep very quickly, within minutes
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سوال 40 از 40
40. سوال
Sometimes I get anxious or hyperactive when I remember things that I was interested in for a very short time.