Read the questions carefully and mark each option that is closest to you. Calculate your score and compare it with the test result.
خلاصه آزمون
0 از 90 سوالات تکمیل شد
شما قبلاً این آزمون را تکمیل کردهاید. به همین خاطر نمیتوانید این آزمون را دوباره شروع کنید.
آزمون در حال بارگذاری است…
برای شروع این آزمون باید ثبتنام کنید یا وارد شوید.
شما باید ابتدا این بخش را تکمیل کنید:
0 از 90 سوالات به درستی پاسخ داده شدهاند
زمان شما:
زمان به اتمام رسیده است
شما 0 از 0 امتیاز را به دست آوردید، (0)
امتیازهای کسب شده: 0 از 0، (0)
0 سوال تشریحی معلق (امتیاز(های) ممکن: 0)
- دستهبندی نشده 0%
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- 90
- فعلی
- بررسی
- پاسخ داده شده
- درست
- نادرست
سوال 1 از 90
1. سوال
Do you have a variety of hobbies?
درستنادرست -
سوال 2 از 90
2. سوال
Do you think carefully before doing anything?
درستنادرست -
سوال 3 از 90
3. سوال
Does your mood often change?
درستنادرست -
سوال 4 از 90
4. سوال
Have you ever been rewarded for something you really knew someone else did?
درستنادرست -
سوال 5 از 90
5. سوال
Are you a talkative person?
درستنادرست -
سوال 6 از 90
6. سوال
Does being in debt bother you?
درستنادرست -
سوال 7 از 90
7. سوال
Have you ever felt miserable for no reason?
درستنادرست -
سوال 8 از 90
8. سوال
Have you ever been greedy for more than you deserve?
درستنادرست -
سوال 9 از 90
9. سوال
Do you lock your door carefully at night?
درستنادرست -
سوال 10 از 90
10. سوال
Are you relatively cheerful and lively?
درستنادرست -
سوال 11 از 90
11. سوال
Do you get very upset when you see a child or an animal suffering?
درستنادرست -
سوال 12 از 90
12. سوال
Do you often worry about what you shouldn’t do and what you shouldn’t say?
درستنادرست -
سوال 13 از 90
13. سوال
If you make a commitment to do something, no matter how difficult it is, will you still keep your commitment?
درستنادرست -
سوال 14 از 90
14. سوال
Can you participate in a happy party and have fun?
درستنادرست -
سوال 15 از 90
15. سوال
Are you a quick-tempered person?
درستنادرست -
سوال 16 از 90
16. سوال
Have you ever blamed someone for a mistake that you knew was your real fault?
درستنادرست -
سوال 17 از 90
17. سوال
Do you enjoy meeting new people?
درستنادرست -
سوال 18 از 90
18. سوال
Do you believe that insurance plans are useful?
درستنادرست -
سوال 19 از 90
19. سوال
Do your feelings get hurt easily?
درستنادرست -
سوال 20 از 90
20. سوال
Are all your habits good and desirable?
درستنادرست -
سوال 21 از 90
21. سوال
Do you usually have a passive presence in social situations?
درستنادرست -
سوال 22 از 90
22. سوال
Do you take drugs that may have strange and dangerous effects?
درستنادرست -
سوال 23 از 90
23. سوال
Do you often feel disgusted?
درستنادرست -
سوال 24 از 90
24. سوال
Have you ever taken anything, even a pin with a button, that belonged to someone else?
درستنادرست -
سوال 25 از 90
25. سوال
Do you like to go for a walk?
درستنادرست -
سوال 26 از 90
26. سوال
Do you enjoy annoying the people you love?
درستنادرست -
سوال 27 از 90
27. سوال
Do you often feel guilty?
درستنادرست -
سوال 28 از 90
28. سوال
Are you talking about something you know nothing about?
درستنادرست -
سوال 29 از 90
29. سوال
Do you prefer studying to meeting people?
درستنادرست -
سوال 30 از 90
30. سوال
Do you have enemies who want to hurt you?
درستنادرست -
سوال 31 از 90
31. سوال
Do you consider yourself a nervous person?
درستنادرست -
سوال 32 از 90
32. سوال
do you have many friends
درستنادرست -
سوال 33 از 90
33. سوال
Do you enjoy practical jokes that can sometimes really hurt people?
درستنادرست -
سوال 34 از 90
34. سوال
Are you a worried person?
درستنادرست -
سوال 35 از 90
35. سوال
When you were a child, did you do the things that were told to you, immediately and without grumbling?
درستنادرست -
سوال 36 از 90
36. سوال
Do you consider yourself an unrestrained person?
درستنادرست -
سوال 37 از 90
37. سوال
Is good behavior and cleanliness very important to you?
درستنادرست -
سوال 38 از 90
38. سوال
Are you worried about bad things that might happen?
درستنادرست -
سوال 39 از 90
39. سوال
Have you ever broken or lost something that belonged to someone else?
درستنادرست -
سوال 40 از 90
40. سوال
Are you usually the first to make new friends?
درستنادرست -
سوال 41 از 90
41. سوال
Do you consider yourself a tense or very nervous person?
درستنادرست -
سوال 42 از 90
42. سوال
Do you often stay silent when you are with others?
درستنادرست -
سوال 43 از 90
43. سوال
Do you think that the custom of marriage is old and should be abandoned?
درستنادرست -
سوال 44 از 90
44. سوال
Are you a bit self-aggrandizing sometimes?
درستنادرست -
سوال 45 از 90
45. سوال
Can you easily liven up a rather dull party?
درستنادرست -
سوال 46 از 90
46. سوال
Do people who drive slowly annoy you?
درستنادرست -
سوال 47 از 90
47. سوال
Are you worried about your health?
درستنادرست -
سوال 48 از 90
48. سوال
Have you ever said something ugly or bad to someone?
درستنادرست -
سوال 49 از 90
49. سوال
Do you like to tell jokes and funny stories to your friends?
درستنادرست -
سوال 50 از 90
50. سوال
Are most jobs the same for you?
درستنادرست -
سوال 51 از 90
51. سوال
Have you ever been rude to your parents as a child?
درستنادرست -
سوال 52 از 90
52. سوال
Do you like socializing with people?
درستنادرست -
سوال 53 از 90
53. سوال
Do you worry if you find out that there are mistakes in your work?
درستنادرست -
سوال 54 از 90
54. سوال
Do you suffer from insomnia?
درستنادرست -
سوال 55 از 90
55. سوال
Do you always wash your hands before eating?
درستنادرست -
سوال 56 از 90
56. سوال
Are you usually willing to answer when talking to people?
درستنادرست -
سوال 57 از 90
57. سوال
Do you like to show up early for your appointments?
درستنادرست -
سوال 58 از 90
58. سوال
Do you often feel bored and tired for no reason?
درستنادرست -
سوال 59 از 90
59. سوال
Have you ever cheated in a game?
درستنادرست -
سوال 60 از 90
60. سوال
Do you like to do things that require speed?
درستنادرست -
سوال 61 از 90
61. سوال
Is your mother a good woman? (or has been)
درستنادرست -
سوال 62 از 90
62. سوال
Do you often think that life is too boring?
درستنادرست -
سوال 63 از 90
63. سوال
Have you ever fooled someone?
درستنادرست -
سوال 64 از 90
64. سوال
Do you often take on more activities than you have time for?
درستنادرست -
سوال 65 از 90
65. سوال
– Do some people try to avoid you?
درستنادرست -
سوال 66 از 90
66. سوال
Are you too worried about your appearance?
درستنادرست -
سوال 67 از 90
67. سوال
Do you think people spend a lot of time in securing their future with savings and insurance?
درستنادرست -
سوال 68 از 90
68. سوال
Have you ever wished you were dead?
درستنادرست -
سوال 69 از 90
69. سوال
If you were sure that they would not find you, would you avoid paying taxes?
درستنادرست -
سوال 70 از 90
70. سوال
Can you throw a party?
درستنادرست -
سوال 71 از 90
71. سوال
Do you try not to be rude to people?
درستنادرست -
سوال 72 از 90
72. سوال
Are you always careful to protect other people’s property?
درستنادرست -
سوال 73 از 90
73. سوال
Have you ever stood your ground?
درستنادرست -
سوال 74 از 90
74. سوال
Do you often arrive at the last minute to catch a train, bus, plane?
درستنادرست -
سوال 75 از 90
75. سوال
Do you suffer from nervousness?
درستنادرست -
سوال 76 از 90
76. سوال
Are your friendships easy and without your fault? Are they separated?
درستنادرست -
سوال 77 از 90
77. سوال
Do you often feel lonely?
درستنادرست -
سوال 78 از 90
78. سوال
Do you always do what you say?
درستنادرست -
سوال 79 از 90
79. سوال
Do you sometimes like to hurt animals?
درستنادرست -
سوال 80 از 90
80. سوال
Do you get upset when people find fault with you and what you do?
درستنادرست -
سوال 81 از 90
81. سوال
Have you ever been late for work with an appointment?
درستنادرست -
سوال 82 از 90
82. سوال
Do you like a lot of excitement and hustle and bustle around you?
درستنادرست -
سوال 83 از 90
83. سوال
Do you like other people to fear you?
درستنادرست -
سوال 84 از 90
84. سوال
Are you sometimes energetic and sometimes lethargic?
درستنادرست -
سوال 85 از 90
85. سوال
Do you sometimes put off today’s work for tomorrow?
درستنادرست -
سوال 86 از 90
86. سوال
Do others think you are a cheerful person?
درستنادرست -
سوال 87 از 90
87. سوال
Do people lie to you a lot?
درستنادرست -
سوال 88 از 90
88. سوال
Are you sensitive to some issues?
درستنادرست -
سوال 89 از 90
89. سوال
Do you always admit the mistake you made?
درستنادرست -
سوال 90 از 90
90. سوال
Do you regret having an animal caught in a trap?