Read the questions carefully and mark each option that is closest to you. Calculate your score and compare it with the test result.
خلاصه آزمون
0 از 81 سوالات تکمیل شد
شما قبلاً این آزمون را تکمیل کردهاید. به همین خاطر نمیتوانید این آزمون را دوباره شروع کنید.
آزمون در حال بارگذاری است…
برای شروع این آزمون باید ثبتنام کنید یا وارد شوید.
شما باید ابتدا این بخش را تکمیل کنید:
0 از 81 سوالات به درستی پاسخ داده شدهاند
زمان شما:
زمان به اتمام رسیده است
شما 0 از 0 امتیاز را به دست آوردید، (0)
امتیازهای کسب شده: 0 از 0، (0)
0 سوال تشریحی معلق (امتیاز(های) ممکن: 0)
- دستهبندی نشده 0%
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- 80
- 81
- فعلی
- بررسی
- پاسخ داده شده
- درست
- نادرست
سوال 1 از 81
1. سوال
Do you like a lot of excitement in your life?
درستنادرست -
سوال 2 از 81
2. سوال
Are you a quirky person? (Will you change your mind soon?)
درستنادرست -
سوال 3 از 81
3. سوال
Do you enjoy annoying those who love you?
درستنادرست -
سوال 4 از 81
4. سوال
Or have you ever been greedy, taking more of something than you deserve?
درستنادرست -
سوال 5 از 81
5. سوال
Are you usually willing to answer when talking to people?
درستنادرست -
سوال 6 از 81
6. سوال
Are you a quick-tempered person?
درستنادرست -
سوال 7 از 81
7. سوال
Do you enjoy practical jokes that can sometimes really hurt people?
درستنادرست -
سوال 8 از 81
8. سوال
Do you always do what you are told immediately?
درستنادرست -
سوال 9 از 81
9. سوال
Do you prefer to be alone instead of being with children?
درستنادرست -
سوال 10 از 81
10. سوال
Do you have thoughts that do not let you sleep well at night?
درستنادرست -
سوال 11 از 81
11. سوال
Have you ever broken school rules?
درستنادرست -
سوال 12 از 81
12. سوال
Do you like other kids to be afraid of you?
درستنادرست -
سوال 13 از 81
13. سوال
Are you a relatively cheerful and lively person?
درستنادرست -
سوال 14 از 81
14. سوال
Do many things bother you?
درستنادرست -
سوال 15 از 81
15. سوال
Do you enjoy dismembering animals in scientific research?
درستنادرست -
سوال 16 از 81
16. سوال
Have you ever taken something (even a button with a pin) that belonged to someone else?
درستنادرست -
سوال 17 از 81
17. سوال
do you have many friends
درستنادرست -
سوال 18 از 81
18. سوال
Have you ever felt miserable for no reason?
درستنادرست -
سوال 19 از 81
19. سوال
Do you sometimes like to hurt animals?
درستنادرست -
سوال 20 از 81
20. سوال
Has it ever happened that someone called you and you pretended not to hear?
درستنادرست -
سوال 21 از 81
21. سوال
Would you like to explore a castle that is old?
درستنادرست -
سوال 22 از 81
22. سوال
Do you often feel that life is too boring?
درستنادرست -
سوال 23 از 81
23. سوال
Do you start fights more than other children?
درستنادرست -
سوال 24 از 81
24. سوال
Do you always do your homework before playing?
درستنادرست -
سوال 25 از 81
25. سوال
Do you like to do things that require speed?
درستنادرست -
سوال 26 از 81
26. سوال
Are you worried about bad things that might happen?
درستنادرست -
سوال 27 از 81
27. سوال
When you hear kids talking dirty, do you try to stop them?
درستنادرست -
سوال 28 از 81
28. سوال
Can you organize a party for your friends?
درستنادرست -
سوال 29 از 81
29. سوال
Do you get upset when people criticize you or what you do?
درستنادرست -
سوال 30 از 81
30. سوال
If you see a dog that has gone under the car, would you be very upset?
درستنادرست -
سوال 31 از 81
31. سوال
Do you always say sorry when you are rude?
درستنادرست -
سوال 32 از 81
32. سوال
Is there someone who is trying to get revenge for something bad you did to them?
درستنادرست -
سوال 33 از 81
33. سوال
Do you think water skiing is fun?
درستنادرست -
سوال 34 از 81
34. سوال
Do you often feel tired for no reason?
درستنادرست -
سوال 35 از 81
35. سوال
Do you enjoy teasing other kids a bit?
درستنادرست -
سوال 36 از 81
36. سوال
Are you always quiet when adults talk?
درستنادرست -
سوال 37 از 81
37. سوال
When you become friends with someone, do you usually take the first step?
درستنادرست -
سوال 38 از 81
38. سوال
Are you sensitive to some issues?
درستنادرست -
سوال 39 از 81
39. سوال
Do you fight a lot?
درستنادرست -
سوال 40 از 81
40. سوال
Have you ever gossiped about someone?
درستنادرست -
سوال 41 از 81
41. سوال
Do you like to tell jokes or funny stories to your friends?
درستنادرست -
سوال 42 از 81
42. سوال
Do you get into trouble at school more than other children?
درستنادرست -
سوال 43 از 81
43. سوال
Do you usually pick up the papers and trash that others have left in the classroom?
درستنادرست -
سوال 44 از 81
44. سوال
Do you have many hobbies?
درستنادرست -
سوال 45 از 81
45. سوال
Do your feelings get hurt easily?
درستنادرست -
سوال 46 از 81
46. سوال
do you like To pull other’s leg
درستنادرست -
سوال 47 از 81
47. سوال
Do you always wash your hands before eating?
درستنادرست -
سوال 48 از 81
48. سوال
Do you prefer sitting and watching at parties rather than playing with others?
درستنادرست -
سوال 49 از 81
49. سوال
Do you often feel fed up with life?
درستنادرست -
سوال 50 از 81
50. سوال
Do you sometimes enjoy watching a child being beaten by a bully?
درستنادرست -
سوال 51 از 81
51. سوال
Do you always sit quietly even when the teacher is out of class?
درستنادرست -
سوال 52 از 81
52. سوال
Do you like doing things that are a little scary?
درستنادرست -
سوال 53 از 81
53. سوال
Do you sometimes feel so restless that you cannot sit on a chair for a long time?
درستنادرست -
سوال 54 از 81
54. سوال
Would you like to travel to the moon alone?
درستنادرست -
سوال 55 از 81
55. سوال
If you are in a group that is praying or singing a hymn, do you always accompany them?
درستنادرست -
سوال 56 از 81
56. سوال
Do you like to play with other kids?
درستنادرست -
سوال 57 از 81
57. سوال
Are your parents very strict with you?
درستنادرست -
سوال 58 از 81
58. سوال
Would you like to jump out of a plane with a parachute?
درستنادرست -
سوال 59 از 81
59. سوال
If you feel that you have done something stupid, do you feel bad for a long time?
درستنادرست -
سوال 60 از 81
60. سوال
Do you always eat whatever food they prepare for you?
درستنادرست -
سوال 61 از 81
61. سوال
Can you participate in a happy assembly and enjoy it completely?
درستنادرست -
سوال 62 از 81
62. سوال
Do you sometimes feel that life is not worth living?
درستنادرست -
سوال 63 از 81
63. سوال
Do you regret having caught an animal in a trap?
درستنادرست -
سوال 64 از 81
64. سوال
Have you ever been rude to your parents?
درستنادرست -
سوال 65 از 81
65. سوال
Do you often suddenly decide to do things?
درستنادرست -
سوال 66 از 81
66. سوال
When you are busy doing something, do you often think about other things?
درستنادرست -
سوال 67 از 81
67. سوال
Do you enjoy jumping or diving in the pool or sea?
درستنادرست -
سوال 68 از 81
68. سوال
Do you have trouble sleeping at night because of your worries?
درستنادرست -
سوال 69 از 81
69. سوال
Have you ever written or scribbled something in a textbook or a book you borrowed from the library?
درستنادرست -
سوال 70 از 81
70. سوال
Do others think you are a happy person?
درستنادرست -
سوال 71 از 81
71. سوال
Do you often feel lonely?
درستنادرست -
سوال 72 از 81
72. سوال
Are you always careful to protect other people’s property?
درستنادرست -
سوال 73 از 81
73. سوال
Do you always share all the sweets you have among your friends?
درستنادرست -
سوال 74 از 81
74. سوال
Do you like to travel a lot?
درستنادرست -
سوال 75 از 81
75. سوال
Have you ever cheated in a game?
درستنادرست -
سوال 76 از 81
76. سوال
Is it really hard for you to enjoy a happy party?
درستنادرست -
سوال 77 از 81
77. سوال
Are you sometimes happy and sad for no particular reason?
درستنادرست -
سوال 78 از 81
78. سوال
Do you throw waste paper on the floor when there is no trash can available?
درستنادرست -
سوال 79 از 81
79. سوال
Do you agree with the saying that whatever happens is good?
درستنادرست -
سوال 80 از 81
80. سوال
Do you often need kind friends to be happy?
درستنادرست -
سوال 81 از 81
81. سوال
Do you like to drive a motorcycle fast or sit behind the motorcycle rider?