sum your score then match to the result of test
خلاصه آزمون
0 از 10 سوالات تکمیل شد
شما قبلاً این آزمون را تکمیل کردهاید. به همین خاطر نمیتوانید این آزمون را دوباره شروع کنید.
آزمون در حال بارگذاری است…
برای شروع این آزمون باید ثبتنام کنید یا وارد شوید.
شما باید ابتدا این بخش را تکمیل کنید:
0 از 10 سوالات به درستی پاسخ داده شدهاند
زمان شما:
زمان به اتمام رسیده است
شما 0 از 0 امتیاز را به دست آوردید، (0)
امتیازهای کسب شده: 0 از 0، (0)
0 سوال تشریحی معلق (امتیاز(های) ممکن: 0)
- دستهبندی نشده 0%
Instructions: Add the scores yourself:
Between you, if the score is 20 to 30, it is a sign of serious experience.
Specialists and professionals (psychiatrists or psychologists and counselors) are suggested. A strong love is possible.
Put your profession or social education, work on and you will live a quality life.
Also, they can reduce the quality of life and make the experience psychologically disturbing.
They must have a suitable job.Nimrahin 10 to 19 signs that show love is more tolerable, but there is a need. Get help.
Specialists (psychiatrist or psychologist and counselor) can only improve your quality of life.
Talk to him about it, friend. A friend can help you by talking.
Between the score of 0 and 9, the indicators that show your love are very controllable and tolerable.
You will not destroy your serious life.
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
- فعلی
- بررسی
- پاسخ داده شده
- درست
- نادرست
سوال 1 از 10
1. سوال
When you are awake, how much do you think about the impact of love? (This thinking includes images, thoughts, feelings, imaginations or perceptions related to the trauma)
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سوال 2 از 10
2. سوال
When you think about a love blow, to what extent do you feel physically sick?
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سوال 3 از 10
3. سوال
How easy is it for you to accept the reality and emotional pain of a love blow?
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سوال 4 از 10
4. سوال
If you scored at least two points in each of the first three questions (in other words, question 1, 2 or 3), how many years ago did the love blow occur? (Consider a score for each year. If it was more than 3 years, consider three scores. If it was less than 6 months, consider a score of 0).
type your score
این پاسخ بعد از ارسال، بررسی شده و به آن نمره داده میشود.
نمرهدهی و تعیین سطح ممکن است بررسی و ارزیابی شود.نمرهدهی و تعیین سطح ممکن است بررسی و ارزیابی شود. -
سوال 5 از 10
5. سوال
How often do you dream about this love blow? (Dreams must be associated with unpleasant feelings or arousal).
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سوال 6 از 10
6. سوال
How easy is it for you to stand in front of the thoughts, feelings and memories related to this love blow? (Standing refers to how successful you are in pushing aside the thoughts, feelings, and memories of this love blow when they invade your mind? For example, can you successfully distract yourself with another activity or thinking about throw something else?)
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سوال 7 از 10
7. سوال
Do you think you can ever overcome the sick and unpleasant feelings associated with this love blow? (Do you have any hope of a full recovery?)
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سوال 8 از 10
8. سوال
To what extent do you change your path in order to avoid the triggers that evoke love shock for you?
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سوال 9 از 10
9. سوال
Do you have trouble sleeping and waking up due to unpleasant arousal and anxiety related to thoughts and feelings surrounding love trauma?
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سوال 10 از 10
10. سوال
When you think about this love blow, to what extent do you feel like crying, angry or restless?