This questionnaire contains statements about different aspects of your life that you may agree or disagree with. Read each sentence carefully and then indicate how much you agree or disagree. Note that there is no right or wrong answer. sum your score then match to the test answer
خلاصه آزمون
0 از 115 سوالات تکمیل شد
شما قبلاً این آزمون را تکمیل کردهاید. به همین خاطر نمیتوانید این آزمون را دوباره شروع کنید.
آزمون در حال بارگذاری است…
برای شروع این آزمون باید ثبتنام کنید یا وارد شوید.
شما باید ابتدا این بخش را تکمیل کنید:
0 از 115 سوالات به درستی پاسخ داده شدهاند
زمان شما:
زمان به اتمام رسیده است
شما 0 از 0 امتیاز را به دست آوردید، (0)
امتیازهای کسب شده: 0 از 0، (0)
0 سوال تشریحی معلق (امتیاز(های) ممکن: 0)
- دستهبندی نشده 0%
.sum of the score is 460. if your score is close to this number you have full Marital Satisfaction
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- 115
- فعلی
- بررسی
- پاسخ داده شده
- درست
- نادرست
سوال 1 از 115
1. سوال
My wife and I understand each other perfectly.
درستنادرست -
سوال 2 از 115
2. سوال
My wife knows my mood perfectly and accepts them.
درستنادرست -
سوال 3 از 115
3. سوال
I have a very good relationship with my wife.
درستنادرست -
سوال 4 از 115
4. سوال
My wife does not satisfy some of my needs.
درستنادرست -
سوال 5 از 115
5. سوال
I have not regretted my relationship with my wife even for a moment.
درستنادرست -
سوال 6 از 115
6. سوال
I am satisfied with my wife’s personality traits and habits.
درستنادرست -
سوال 7 از 115
7. سوال
I am very satisfied with the way we fulfill our responsibilities in our life together.
درستنادرست -
سوال 8 از 115
8. سوال
I am satisfied with the way I communicate with my wife and I feel that she understands me.
درستنادرست -
سوال 9 از 115
9. سوال
I am very satisfied with the way our differences are decided and resolved.
درستنادرست -
سوال 10 از 115
10. سوال
I am dissatisfied with the economic situation of the family and the way financial decisions are made.
درستنادرست -
سوال 11 از 115
11. سوال
I am very satisfied with the way I spend my free time and being with my wife.
درستنادرست -
سوال 12 از 115
12. سوال
I am very satisfied with the way we express our love and sex.
درستنادرست -
سوال 13 از 115
13. سوال
I am dissatisfied with the way we fulfill our responsibilities as parents.
درستنادرست -
سوال 14 از 115
14. سوال
I am unhappy with our relationship with relatives and acquaintances.
درستنادرست -
سوال 15 از 115
15. سوال
I feel very good about fulfilling our religious obligations and religious values.
درستنادرست -
سوال 16 از 115
16. سوال
My wife is critical or often pessimistic.
درستنادرست -
سوال 17 از 115
17. سوال
Sometimes I worry about my wife’s mood.
درستنادرست -
سوال 18 از 115
18. سوال
Sometimes I worry when my wife is sad and withdrawn.
درستنادرست -
سوال 19 از 115
19. سوال
One of our problems is my wife’s habit of smoking/drinking.
درستنادرست -
سوال 20 از 115
20. سوال
I can’t count on my wife.
درستنادرست -
سوال 21 از 115
21. سوال
Sometimes my wife’s behavior in front of others disturbs me.
درستنادرست -
سوال 22 از 115
22. سوال
Sometimes my wife becomes very one rib.
درستنادرست -
سوال 23 از 115
23. سوال
I suffer because my wife often comes home late.
درستنادرست -
سوال 24 از 115
24. سوال
Sometimes I don’t know what to do with my wife’s mood changes.
درستنادرست -
سوال 25 از 115
25. سوال
Sometimes I think my wife is very pushy.
درستنادرست -
سوال 26 از 115
26. سوال
I am very comfortable expressing my true feelings to my wife.
درستنادرست -
سوال 27 از 115
27. سوال
When we have a problem, my wife often chooses to remain silent in response.
درستنادرست -
سوال 28 از 115
28. سوال
Sometimes my wife humiliates me with her comments.
درستنادرست -
سوال 29 از 115
29. سوال
Sometimes I am afraid to express my wishes to my wife.
درستنادرست -
سوال 30 از 115
30. سوال
I wish my wife would share her feelings with me more.
درستنادرست -
سوال 31 از 115
31. سوال
Sometimes it is difficult for me to believe everything my wife says.
درستنادرست -
سوال 32 از 115
32. سوال
I don’t tell my feelings to my wife, because she knows it.
درستنادرست -
سوال 33 از 115
33. سوال
I am very satisfied with the way we talk.
درستنادرست -
سوال 34 از 115
34. سوال
I never tell my wife about my bad feelings because I’m afraid she will get angry.
درستنادرست -
سوال 35 از 115
35. سوال
My wife is always a good listener.
درستنادرست -
سوال 36 از 115
36. سوال
Usually, to end the argument, I cut short very quickly.
درستنادرست -
سوال 37 از 115
37. سوال
My wife and I have very different opinions about how to resolve our differences.
درستنادرست -
سوال 38 از 115
38. سوال
When discussing problems, I feel my wife understands me.
درستنادرست -
سوال 39 از 115
39. سوال
When we have problems, I can tell my wife what is causing me resentment.
درستنادرست -
سوال 40 از 115
40. سوال
Sometimes we have a serious argument over trivial issues.
درستنادرست -
سوال 41 از 115
41. سوال
I am willing to do anything to avoid conflict with my wife.
درستنادرست -
سوال 42 از 115
42. سوال
Sometimes I feel that the argument between me and my wife is endless and has no solution.
درستنادرست -
سوال 43 از 115
43. سوال
When we disagree, we share our feelings and decide how to resolve it.
درستنادرست -
سوال 44 از 115
44. سوال
I often feel that my wife does not take our differences seriously.
درستنادرست -
سوال 45 از 115
45. سوال
Our discussions often end with the feeling that I caused all the problems.
درستنادرست -
سوال 46 از 115
46. سوال
Sometimes I wish my wife was more careful in spending money.
درستنادرست -
سوال 47 از 115
47. سوال
We always agree on how to spend our money.
درستنادرست -
سوال 48 از 115
48. سوال
We have a problem in solving financial affairs.
درستنادرست -
سوال 49 از 115
49. سوال
My wife and I are aware of our debts and we have no problem with this.
درستنادرست -
سوال 50 از 115
50. سوال
I am happy with the decisions we make regarding the amount of savings.
درستنادرست -
سوال 51 از 115
51. سوال
We write them down so that household expenses don’t go unplanned.
درستنادرست -
سوال 52 از 115
52. سوال
My wife and I do not agree on spending money.
درستنادرست -
سوال 53 از 115
53. سوال
My wife and I do not agree on essential purchases.
درستنادرست -
سوال 54 از 115
54. سوال
One of my frustrations is that I can’t spend money without my wife’s permission.
درستنادرست -
سوال 55 از 115
55. سوال
We disagree about which one of us is responsible for spending money.
درستنادرست -
سوال 56 از 115
56. سوال
My wife and I have an agreement about communication and coming and going with others.
درستنادرست -
سوال 57 از 115
57. سوال
My wife has enough time and energy to rejuvenate and have fun with me.
درستنادرست -
سوال 58 از 115
58. سوال
I am willing to do anything to not be alone for one night.
درستنادرست -
سوال 59 از 115
59. سوال
I worry that my partner doesn’t have enough interests or hobbies.
درستنادرست -
سوال 60 از 115
60. سوال
I feel comfortable participating in parties and commuting with my wife.
درستنادرست -
سوال 61 از 115
61. سوال
I am always satisfied with the place and the way I spend my holidays with my family.
درستنادرست -
سوال 62 از 115
62. سوال
I enjoy traveling and vacationing.
درستنادرست -
سوال 63 از 115
63. سوال
I am sad that my wife and I are not together enough in our free time.
درستنادرست -
سوال 64 از 115
64. سوال
I rarely have fun without my wife.
درستنادرست -
سوال 65 از 115
65. سوال
My wife and I agree on joint or separate hobbies.
درستنادرست -
سوال 66 از 115
66. سوال
I am completely satisfied with the amount of love my wife has for me.
درستنادرست -
سوال 67 از 115
67. سوال
We try to keep our sex interesting and enjoyable.
درستنادرست -
سوال 68 از 115
68. سوال
I am afraid that I am not sexually interesting to my wife.
درستنادرست -
سوال 69 از 115
69. سوال
Talking to my wife about sexual issues is easy and comfortable for me.
درستنادرست -
سوال 70 از 115
70. سوال
Sometimes I worry that my wife might think about having sex outside of marriage.
درستنادرست -
سوال 71 از 115
71. سوال
Our sex is fulfilling and satisfying to me.
درستنادرست -
سوال 72 از 115
72. سوال
I am reluctant to show affection to my wife, because it is often misinterpreted as a desire for sex.
درستنادرست -
سوال 73 از 115
73. سوال
Sometimes I worry that my wife’s sexual interest is not the same as mine.
درستنادرست -
سوال 74 از 115
74. سوال
I am happy with the decisions we make about family planning or the number of children.
درستنادرست -
سوال 75 از 115
75. سوال
Sometimes the sex between me and my wife is not satisfactory.
درستنادرست -
سوال 76 از 115
76. سوال
In our family, the father spends enough time with his children.
درستنادرست -
سوال 77 از 115
77. سوال
از نحوه مشارکت در مسؤولیت های مربوط به بزرگ کردن فرزندانمان راضی هستم.
درستنادرست -
سوال 78 از 115
78. سوال
We agree on how to discipline our children.
درستنادرست -
سوال 79 از 115
79. سوال
Our children are one of the major sources of problems in our relationship.
درستنادرست -
سوال 80 از 115
80. سوال
We agree on the desired number of children.
درستنادرست -
سوال 81 از 115
81. سوال
Apparently my wife cares more about the kids than the relationship, and that makes me sad.
درستنادرست -
سوال 82 از 115
82. سوال
Having a child has brought me and my wife closer together.
درستنادرست -
سوال 83 از 115
83. سوال
My wife and I agree on the religious upbringing of our children.
درستنادرست -
سوال 84 از 115
84. سوال
Children prevent me and my wife from hurting each other.
درستنادرست -
سوال 85 از 115
85. سوال
One of our problems is agreeing on how much we should provide for the children.
درستنادرست -
سوال 86 از 115
86. سوال
Some friends or relatives do things that make our marital relationship dark.
درستنادرست -
سوال 87 از 115
87. سوال
The time we spend with our relatives and friends is enough.
درستنادرست -
سوال 88 از 115
88. سوال
I think my wife has too much relationship with her family or that she is too influenced by them.
درستنادرست -
سوال 89 از 115
89. سوال
I don’t enjoy spending time with some of my wife’s relatives.
درستنادرست -
سوال 90 از 115
90. سوال
My wife loves all my friends.
درستنادرست -
سوال 91 از 115
91. سوال
Sometimes my wife spends too much time with her friends.
درستنادرست -
سوال 92 از 115
92. سوال
I feel that our parents expect too much attention or help from us
درستنادرست -
سوال 93 از 115
93. سوال
I feel that our parents create problems in our life together.
درستنادرست -
سوال 94 از 115
94. سوال
I really enjoy spending time with all my wife’s friends.
درستنادرست -
سوال 95 از 115
95. سوال
I get annoyed that my wife spends time with friends of the opposite sex.
درستنادرست -
سوال 96 از 115
96. سوال
In my opinion, a woman’s place is definitely in the home.
درستنادرست -
سوال 97 از 115
97. سوال
If both men and women are working, the husband should do the housework as much as the wife.
درستنادرست -
سوال 98 از 115
98. سوال
In our family, a woman should not work outside the home unless financial necessity requires it.
درستنادرست -
سوال 99 از 115
99. سوال
In our life together, the wife should be more willing to follow the wishes of the husband.
درستنادرست -
سوال 100 از 115
100. سوال
Even if a woman works outside the home, she should still be responsible for running the home.
درستنادرست -
سوال 101 از 115
101. سوال
In our life, the husband is the leader of the family.
درستنادرست -
سوال 102 از 115
102. سوال
In our opinion, husband’s job is always more important than wife’s job.
درستنادرست -
سوال 103 از 115
103. سوال
If there are small children in the family, the woman should not work outside the home.
درستنادرست -
سوال 104 از 115
104. سوال
In our family, the husband should make most of the important decisions.
درستنادرست -
سوال 105 از 115
105. سوال
A woman should accept and trust her husband’s judgments regarding important decisions.
درستنادرست -
سوال 106 از 115
106. سوال
It is difficult for me to have full faith in some religious teachings.
درستنادرست -
سوال 107 از 115
107. سوال
I believe that my wife should think like me in religious matters.
درستنادرست -
سوال 108 از 115
108. سوال
Sharing religious values helps our relationship.
درستنادرست -
سوال 109 از 115
109. سوال
An important part of my attention and duties towards my wife is because of my religious beliefs.
درستنادرست -
سوال 110 از 115
110. سوال
My wife and I disagree about how to practice our religious beliefs.
درستنادرست -
سوال 111 از 115
111. سوال
Worshiping with my wife is important to me.
درستنادرست -
سوال 112 از 115
112. سوال
Participating in joint religious activities is part of our life plan.
درستنادرست -
سوال 113 از 115
113. سوال
I feel that by loving my wife, I can better understand the love of God.
درستنادرست -
سوال 114 از 115
114. سوال
My wife and I disagree about some religious teachings.
درستنادرست -
سوال 115 از 115
115. سوال
My wife and I feel closer because of our religious beliefs.